High Desert Crime Tracker

Enter alternate street address:

Your Location:
Location Setting:

High Desert Crime Tracker can use your current location to filter and highlight incidents that are within a preset radius. All incidents located within two miles of you will automatically be highlighted in red, and you can set the Search Radius to only view incidents within a certain distance from your location.

In order to utilize these features, you will need to allow High Desert Crime Tracker to access your browser location data. This data will be available to the site for approximately 12 hours, and is then deleted. No user information is retained.

At any time, you can click the location button to clear your location data and turn off these location features.
Search Radius:
Search Radius Setting:

High Desert Crime Tracker can use your current location to filter incidents that are within a preset radius. Use this dropdown box to set the Search Radius to only view incidents within a certain distance from your location.

In order to utilize this features, you will need to allow High Desert Crime Tracker to access your browser location data. This data will be available to the site for approximately 12 hours, and is then deleted. No user information is retained. At any time, you can click the location button and turn off these location features.

To reset the Search Radius, simply select 'Any Distance' from the dropdown box, or click the icon to reset all search settings.
Date Range:
Date Range Setting:

High Desert Crime Tracker can be set to display only incidents that occurred within a selected date range. Use this button to select a date range for this filter.

High Desert Crime Tracker began tracking in October of 2023, so you will not be able to select dates prior to that.

To change the date range, simply click the button again and select a different range, or click the icon to reset all search settings.
Agency Setting:

High Desert Crime Tracker currently pulls its data from publicly available sources provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's office and the California Highway Patrol. The patrol stations that serve our area are the SD Morongo Basin station, the SD Yucca Valley station, the SD Twentynine Palms station, and the CHP Morongo Basin station.

If you want High Desert Crime Tracker to show only the incidents that originated from one of those patrol stations, you can select that station from this dropdown box. However, please keep in mind that due to the proximity of our high desert towns, the juristictions sometimes overlap, and officers from one station may occasionally handle calls from the other stations.

To reset this setting, simply select 'All Agencies' from the dropdown box, or click the icon to reset all search settings.
Call Type:
Call Type Setting:

Dispatchers for the San Bernardino County Sheriff and California Highway Patrol use shorthand codes to identify different types of incidents. High Desert Crime Tracker uses these codes to understand the nature of each incident and then describes the incident using natural language.

If you want High Desert Crime Tracker to search for only one particular type of incident, you can select it from this dropdown box, and it will filter the results using only the known codes for that type of incident. However, please keep in mind that some dispatchers may use slight variations in coding for specific call types, so it's possible this feature may miss one or more of those variations as we continue to update our translation database.

To reset this setting, simply select 'All Call Types' from the dropdown box, or click the icon to reset all search settings.
Call Disposition Setting:

San Bernardino County Sheriff Deputies use special codes to identify their response to each call. High Desert Crime Tracker uses these codes to understand the nature of each call and then describes the incident using natural language.

If you want High Desert Crime Tracker to search for only one particular type of response code, you can select it from this dropdown box, and it will filter the results using only the known codes for that type of response. Many of these disposition codes can be generic, but sometimes this filter can be useful to see how many calls ended with an arrest, or a citation, or something similar.

To reset this setting, simply select 'All Call Types' from the dropdown box, or click the icon to reset all search settings.
Alert Level:
0 1 2 3 4
Alert Level Setting:

High Desert Crime Tracker uses a scale to help users better understand which calls should concern them, and which calls are nothing to worry about. The vast majority of calls are simply administrative or follow up calls and should be nothing to worry about. However, there are some calls, like burglary or assault, that may cause a user to want to remain more alert, especially if the incident occurred in their neighborhood.

Changing this setting will allow you to filter the list to only show calls at or above the selected Alert Level, so if you select Alert Level 2, you will see calls for levels 2, 3, and 4. If you select Alert Level 4, you will only see calls for level 4.

Regardless of this setting, Alert Level 4 calls will always be highlighted in red.

To reset this setting, simply select '0' to show all Alert Levels, or click the icon to reset all search settings.

For more information on the Alert Level scale, please visit our Guide page from the main menu.
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Last update: 03/10/25 9:15AM
Last update: 03/10/25 9:15AM

All data use for the High Desert Crime Tracker is pulled from publicly available information provided by the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department and the California Highway Patrol. This web application pulls data every half hour from those sources. If something recent is missing, please wait for the next update. On occasion, the source information is delayed or missing for various reasons. When that occurs, the information on this app will also be delayed.
March 8, 2025
8:51 am*
Call No:
Call Type:
1179 (Traffic Collision with Medaid Responding)
Get info on this call type
OAA (Other Agency Assist)
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11:05 AM
Get info on call updates
Call Type: 1179

A Traffic Collision with Medaid Responding call usually indicates that a vehicle collision has occurred and an ambulance or other emergency medical vehicle is en route to the location. The Sheriff response may involve coordinating with medical personnel, securing the scene to ensure the safety of those involved, and facilitating the response of medical aid.
Original Call Type: 1179

The Orignal Call Type shows how the call first went through dispatch before it was cleared by officers on the scene. If the call type was changed, it could indicate that officers found evidence of an additional crime or infraction, or simply that the incident needed to be reclassified. We leave this information on the feed because sometimes it helps to tell the story of what actually occurred.

A Traffic Collision with Medaid Responding call usually indicates that a vehicle collision has occurred and an ambulance or other emergency medical vehicle is en route to the location. The Sheriff response may involve coordinating with medical personnel, securing the scene to ensure the safety of those involved, and facilitating the response of medical aid.
Disp: OAA

The disposition code is the initial response code from officers responding to the call.

A code of OAA usually indicates that the call is being handled by another law enforcement agency, and deputies are now assisting that agency in responding to the call.
Occasionally, time passes before calls are completed and cleared in the dispatch system. During that process, some pieces of information may be updated by the officers reporting the incident, such as the Call Type or the Disposition Code.

When this happens, the approximate time of that update will be displayed here.
Traffic Collision with Medaid Responding